
SDG Launches First Quarterly Newsletter!

At Searle Design Group we take pride in doing work that is environmentally and culturally sensitive.  To better serve the communities we design for, we want to share our work and engage in discourse on issues that we think are important.  We've launched a quarterly newsletter to keep you up-to-date on our design and construction projects, and promote topics we care about.

The first issue, sent out today, includes:

Completed Projects

  •       Handicraft Club Master Plan
  •       Woods-Gerry Master Plan
  •       RISD President's House

SDG Highlights

  •       PARK(ing) Day PVD
  •       DESIGNxRI

In the News:

  • Vote Yes on 6 and Smart Growth Handbook      
  • Presidential candidates answer questions about climate change

If you missed our inaugural letter today, shoot us an e-mail at and we'll add you to the list!